Chronic Poverty Advisory Network

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Upcoming conference on Pro-poorest Growth

The Asian Development Bank and the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network are pleased to announce the conference 

Incorporating Pro-poorest Growth in the SDGs: Moving beyond the MDGs. 

ADB Headquarters, Manila, Philippines

 26-27 April 2016


This event is now closed. Please see the blog post about the event. 
To download the conference report, please click here.


I.         Context and Goals

While the MDG target of halving extreme poverty have been met in majority of the developing countries, challenges remain and arguably more difficult especially to deal with the chronic poor and the poorest group. Accordingly, incorporating them by giving more attention to the pro-poorest growth is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the post MDGs. Focusing on pro-poorest growth is key as the trickle down approach will never be enough.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Chronic Poverty Advisory Network (CPAN) are jointly organizing a two-day conference on how to incorporate the pro-poorest growth in the SDGs. The main objective of the conference is to expose the latest research evidence on pro-poorest growth and to engage the participants in constructive discussions to generate a series of practical policy recommendations. The conference will also seek answers to key questions such as: 

What are the critical policies, which support the inclusion of the poorest people in economic growth on good terms?

The conference is part of the DFAT funded project “Pro-poorest Growth Policy Analysis”. 

II.            Venue

The Conference will be hosted at the ADB Headquarters in Manila and will develop over two full days, on the 26th and 27th of April 2016.

III.           Session Format, Speakers and Participants

The conference will be organized in a series of plenary and parallel sessions and be built on a combination of academic presentations, open discussions, group exercises, and interventions from the high-level keynote speakers. Please have a look at the draft agenda for more information. 

The speakers would be a combination of key policy leaders, experts, and senior officials in charge of the issue from developed and developing countries. They are invited for their expertise and relevance. The moderators are selected from the pools of speakers, participants, and key officials from ADB and CPAN.

Participants would be key government officials at senior level, international experts, country experts and key officials from international and national think tanks as well as research centres. Participants will be willing to contribute to the discussion on the basis of their experience as policy makers and/or researchers. They will be asked to actively contribute to answering the main conference’s questions:

  • What are the combinations and sequences of policies in different contexts, such as transitional/non-transitional and fragile/non-fragile, which would contribute to the inclusion of the poorest in in economic growth strategies?
  • What are the political and economic pre-conditions for making the necessary investments at scale aimed at including the poorest in in economic growth strategies? 

IV.          Conference’s output

To generate the momentum, the conference will also launch CPAN key publication on the issue to also put the discussion in the conference in the right context.

The main output of the conference would be some policy briefs derived from the publications, presentations, and discussions during the conference. The conference would also serve for the release of a series of ideas, suggestions, recommendations, case studies that could inspire the 2016 edition of the Chronic Poverty Report on Pro-Poorest Growth. The objective of this publication is to indicate how pro-poorest economic growth can be achieved, and thereby contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
V.           More information and contacts

Please download the draft agenda for more information and register below to participate in the event. Please note there is a limited number of places available and the registration will work on a first-come-first-served
basis. The event will be probably live-streamed, more information and the related registration process will follow shortly on CPAN Twitter account.  

Some participants are specially invited but many others are expected to finance their participation. Please note that no financial support is provided for travel and accommodation. We hope you will be able to find the necessary financial support from your employer, or from a local source of funding.

Please note that registration to the conference is now closed.